March 1, 2024
VIDEO: Flashback to The Interlace Health Customer Summit
As I sit down to write this post on a chilly March 1st here in St. Louis, my mind drifts back to a very memorable and much, much warmer day in Austin, TX at The Line Hotel – the site of the Interlace Health Customer Summit. This much-anticipated event brought together our exceptional customers for two days filled with insight, collaboration, education – and a lot of fun.
The Summit is designed by our customers, for our customers. With insights from our Customer Success Council and input from our valued clients, we crafted an agenda packed with valuable content, industry expertise, and networking opportunities. At the heart of the Summit was a shared dedication to shaping the future of care. From learning how to maximize their Interlace Health investment to gaining insights into our roadmap, attendees were immersed in discussions to drive innovation and excellence in healthcare.
But what truly stood out was the passion and energy of our customers. Their commitment to providing the best possible experience for patients and staff was palpable, and it was truly inspiring to witness. Every conversation, every exchange of ideas, was fueled by a shared mission to make a difference in the lives of those they serve. Hearing about the community this event has helped ignite is well worth all of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. We love hearing how many of our customers stay in touch throughout the year to share their successes and help find new ways to overcome shared challenges.
As we look back on the Summit, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our customers. Your dedication and hard work are not only transforming healthcare but also making a real difference in people’s lives every day. We are honored to support your efforts and grateful to work alongside each and every one of you.
And while we’re busy planning our next events, I see you HIMSS!, the video below is a testament to the Summit’s success – a powerful reminder of the passion and commitment that define the Interlace Health community.
Stay tuned for more information and registration for our 2024 Interlace Health Customer Summit event!
About the Author:
Lauren Ziegler is the Director of Marketing Communications at Interlace Health. She oversees Interlace Health’s corporate communications, content, branding, events, and digital marketing efforts. She brings over fifteen years of experience in helping support technology firm’s marketing and PR efforts. Lauren is passionate about helping the healthcare community understand Interlace’s Health’s value, vision, and commitment to improving experiences for providers, patients, and staff. Find Lauren on LinkedIn.
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