On-Demand Webinar

eConsent Implementations that Drive Success for Patients & Providers

In this webinar:

The right electronic consent solution has the potential to revolutionize processes and yield a significant return on investment. But achieving the desired outcomes doesn’t always happen at the flip of a switch. It’s crucial for healthcare organizations to maximize the value of their eConsent solution by focusing on a successful implementation process. With 70% of digital transformation projects facing challenges (BSG), it’s evident that the struggle often begins at the implementation stage.

With over 30 years of experience in healthcare technology, Interlace Health has seen first-hand the crucial role of a proper eConsent implementation. Our next-generation technology, Informed Consent Nova, showcases our commitment to innovation and service. This advanced cloud-based solution enables a fully electronic process for patients to review surgical procedures with their doctors and provide consent, with all data seamlessly integrated in the EHR.
We have found that laying a solid foundation during implementation starts with understanding the needs of everyone involved (patients, nurses, and physicians) from the start.

Our webinar will address common barriers and provide proactive planning strategies for implementation success.

Learning objectives:

  • What do your nurses expect, and need most to successfully consent patients?
  • What do your physicians need in order to get on board with a new electronic consenting solution?
  • Why is eConsent so important to your patients?

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